当前位置:盘哇小说>其它>仙王的日常生活> 给外国书友的一些话


    Today, Ku Xuan received the message from the editor of the forial department “Sunny“.

    Sunny told me that “Immortal King“ ranked eighth in the monthly ticket list of overseas stations.

    As the author of this book, I feel overwhelmed by an ued favour.

    “The Daily Life of the Immortal King“ will be adapted into animations, games and ics.

    I hope that all of you will tio pay attention!

    I am very grateful to the support of fn panionship of books, thank you for your enjoyment of this work.

    As an author, I will try to plete this book and write more iing stories to give back to everyone.



  1. [其它] 绿茵巨星
  2. [其它] 娇娇美人咸鱼后,病弱王爷踹门哄
  3. [其它] 臻璇
  4. [其它] 和相亲对象被封在一起之后
  5. [其它] 伊少强宠傲娇妻
  6. [其它] 逢她
  7. [其它] 穿成偏执大佬的粘人精
  8. [其它] 温先生,房租交一下
  9. [其它] 大数据修仙
  10. [其它] 当钓系美人开撩后
  11. [其它] 网游三国之真实世界
  12. [其它] 周铮宫檀
  13. [其它] 农门团宠小木匠,养家路上开挂了
  14. [其它] 修仙十年小说林峰林云谣
  15. [其它] 通灵诡事
  16. [其它] 神途从氪星开始
  17. [其它] 卸甲归田:女战神她回村扶贫攻坚
  18. [其它] 被变态总裁骗婚后我暴富了
  19. [其它] 轮回乐园:猩红轮回
  20. [其它] 如意络
  21. [其它] 慕少你老婆虐渣了
  22. [其它] 武德充沛烟火成城
  23. [其它] 小户农女
  24. [其它] 我的倾城老婆林辰秦倾城